Winter League

The Qwizard Winter League

The Qwizard Winter League is the only automated pub quiz league format in the world.

Qwizard keeps the scores for you, and our Winter League builds on that – every year from June to August. 

During the league, we engage the top teams on a live leaderboard as well as providing random vouchers to non-winning teams at every quiz, every week!

Follow your team rankings here as we progress the 2024 version of our Winter League. 


Teams need to play 3 quiz events to qualify for the Winter League final!

Only teams that have played 2 or more quiz events are shown in the rankings below.

Winter League Rankings

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The Winter League for 2024 will run from June to August, at participating outlets throughout NZ, as listed in our Venues section. From Monday, June 3rd the results from Qwizard events will be captured in our league tables as part of the 13-week league. Your team will qualify to enter simply by attending a Qwizard event. Once your team name is registered at one of our events you will be part of the league.

At the end of every week during the league Qwizard will put all non-winning teams in a draw (where a non-winning team did not place 1st or 2nd at their event). Qwizard will draw one $30 voucher for every venue for each week. Qwizard will announce these winners on Facebook every Friday. The vouchers will be available for redemption from the venue where the team participated. Note, that some conditions may apply to these vouchers, subject to the venue that provides the voucher.

Reward prizes will be available to the top performing teams at the end of the full 13- week league. Teams that rank in the Top 20 across our North Island and South Island venues will be invited to our Grand Final events and will receive prizes or vouchers. We will be holding a Grand Final event in both Christchurch and Auckland simultaneously. Every team that participates in one of these Grand Finals will earn a prize. Teams must play a minimum of three Qwizard events during the league to qualify for the reward prizes at the completion of the competition. Winter League tables will be available, with live updates at the completion of every event, on the Qwizard website.

Anyone can attend, but only the Top 20 teams will be invited to play. This event is the only true merit-based quiz team competition of its kind in the world! By retaining the scores from each event, sharing the results, and ranking our teams every week we will maintain a live table showing the top performing teams across all of our regular venues. Only teams to have played three or more events during the league will qualify for the final prize pool. The table will be ranked by total aggregate percentage score. Because team sizes will be more closely monitored, it will not apply the team size weightings that are applied in our national rankings. Team rankings will also be shared on the Qwizard Facebook page.

The usual pub quiz rules apply to ensure that we get an accurate indicator of the top quiz teams. This includes primarily; no cheating through the use of smartphones, or any external assistance, and maximum team size of 8 players. Events will be routinely monitored to ensure that the rules apply.

The details for the 2024 Winter League Grand Final(s) will be announced during September. Teams who qualify will be emailed an invite and the teams must accept the invite at least a week before the event. Additional teams will be invited where a team from the Top 20 cannot attend. The format for the final will be similar to the regular Qwizard events. It will involve 8 rounds of 10 questions, plus a Crossword, and a Breaker Question. This will include 6 rounds relating to our 6 main topics and 2 sundry rounds. The round topics and questions will be slightly more general in nature, and overall, the difficulty of the quiz will be slightly harder. A maximum of 8 players per team will be strictly enforced. Monitors will be present to ensure that a fair contest occurs. Every team in attendance will be rewarded with a prize.


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Join our mailing list and we’ll let you know as soon as a we release a new qwiz.

As a bonus, we’ll also send you a free game credit for our HomeQwiz app so you can enjoy a pub style quiz at home.